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INOUYE oriental art Ltd.

INOUYE oriental art Ltd.

Oriental Ceramics and Fine Works of Art

A Blue And White Porcelain Ware Stem Bowl, with mold and depicted dragons design,

Chinese, Yuan dynasty, 13th – 14th century, Authenticated by the late RYOICHI FUJIOKA(1909-1990)*

* A leading Asian ceramics art specialist and scholar.
Formerly enrolled as a professor at the Osaka College of Arts., Formerly a curator at the Tokyo Imperial Museum Of Art, Tokyo ( now the Tokyo National Museum ) in 1932, thence stated as a specialist curator for Asian ceramics at the Kyoto National Museum. Many works upon the Chinese ceramic art were published..

INOUYE oriental art Ltd.


Ginraku Bldg. 1F, Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061


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